Dr Anne Wall offers fixed brace and Invisalign GO clear brace treatments for adults. 

Straight smiles with Invisalign

Invisalign GO braces is a clear aligner system that can straighten your teeth within a shorter period of time and at less cost compared to traditional Invisalign. Invisalign utilises virtually invisible clear and removable aligners to gently shift your teeth into position and gradually straighten your teeth over time. Dr Anne Wall treats aesthetic cases here at Peregrine dental and would be delighted to discuss your eligibility. 
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Check out your new smile

Want to check out how your smile could improve with an Invisalign brace treatment?

Pop onto the link below and upload a pic of your smile and we will send you back a simulation of how your smile could look after treatment! 

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More about Invisalign clear braces

We hope that we have answered some of your questions on Invisalign GO but if not then get in touch! 

Our team are here to speak with you.

Why Choose Invisalign Go?

Invisalign Go is a comfortable and almost unnoticeable method of straightening your teeth. They are designed to fit your lifestyle rather than disrupt it, whether you’re busy with work, college or travel. Invisalign Go works within a shorter period of time and at less cost compared to traditional Invisalign, making them a great option for those looking to straighten their smile.

What is the difference between Invisalign Go and traditional braces?

Invisalign Go uses clear aligners to straighten your teeth, whereas traditional braces use metal wires and brackets. Not only is Invisalign Go more comfortable, it is also more aesthetically pleasing for those who are image-conscious. Invisalign Go also requires less dental visits compared to traditional braces.

What is the difference between Invisalign Go and the original Invisalign system?

Invisalign Go treatment time can be as short as 3-6 months, whereas the original Invisalign treatment time may require 2-3 years. Invisalign Go is also a lower-cost option. Generally, Invisalign Go is more suitable for those with milder orthodontic concerns, however, this can be assessed during your free consultation.

Is Invisalign Go treatment painful?

Most people will feel a small bit of discomfort in the first few days of each new set of Invisalign Go aligners. This is good because you want to feel a bit of tightness from the aligners, as this means the aligners are doing what they are supposed to do: move your teeth to the desired position.

How long does Invisalign Go treatment take?

As each patient is different, treatment times vary depending on your particular situation. Your Invisalign Go treatment plan is customised to you and your teeth. Some Invisalign Go treatment times can be as short as 3-6 months.

How often do I need to wear my Invisalign Go aligners?

It is recommended that patients wear their Invisalign Go clear aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day. The aligners should only be removed for eating, brushing or flossing purposes.

Can I still enjoy my favourite food and drinks during my treatment period?

Of course! The advantages of removable clear aligners are that it works around your lifestyle rather than disrupting it. As long as you remove your Invisalign Go aligners before you eat and drink, you can continue to enjoy all the good things in life. However, to prevent bad breath and poor hygiene, it is advisable to brush and floss your teeth after every meal before reinserting your clear aligners.

How often do I need to see my dentist during my Invisalign Go treatment?

This can vary depending on your case. Usually, Invisalign Go patients only need to be seen roughly once every 6 to 8 weeks. These appointments are to help track your progress and to ensure that your treatment is going according to plan.

Will my Invisalign Go aligners affect my ability to talk?

At the beginning of your Invisalign Go treatment, you might experience some difficulties pronouncing “s” and “z”. This typically only lasts a few days before you get used to the aligners.

Can I still choose Invisalign Go even after I've had treatment done using traditional braces?

After previous orthodontic treatments, you may find that your teeth have relapsed over time after the removal of your braces. In this case, Invisalign Go is the perfect solution for you to realign your teeth without the need to put traditional metal braces back on.
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